This stunning pavilion inspired by the work of Vélez was designed and constructed by our chairman, Leimana Pelton, with the help of architect, Valerie Simpson. The intricate, bamboo rafters connect to Ohia posts and help support the fifteen thousand pounds of Ferro cement roof. Located in upper Puna at what we affectionately refer to as “Bamboo Headquarters,” this structure is an excellent example of the strength and possibilities of building with bamboo.
Another signature piece by Mr. Pelton, this arch measures over 2.5 stories tall and is constructed using redundant trusses for easy maintenance should any beams need replacing. The durable 20-year tarp shelters the bamboo from the rainy weather and allows for a pleasing golden light to permeate our workspace. This particular arch is currently being used for the assembly of prototype structures like a practical bamboo house, dubbed the “parahut,” . This photo shows the rear of the arch where a bamboo storage rack has been constructed
Structures at Bamboo Village
The Bamboo Jungalow Bungalow
Bamboo Applications